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    Why is it so important to have a mobile responsive website?

    Take your mind back to April 2015 – Google made some game changing updates to its algorithms – if you want to rank in Google’s search engine you need to have a mobile responsive website. Take your mind back to the trending hash tag #mobilegeddon also known as mobilepocalyse, mopocalypse or mobocalypse.

    This update caused a stir amongst web designers and web developers alike!! Fast forward a few months on… We are still seeing unresponsive websites!

    So, why have we decided to talk about something that happened last year? Well recently I was skimming the web for a present on my phone – I went onto a website and it did not respond! I wasn’t completely surprised as I do see a lot of this.

    I decided to Google “local businesses” to see how many websites I found to be unresponsive – of course the first few links on Google always show up mobile responsive websites, but it wasn’t long until I was finding them… From what I could figure out 1 in every 3 websites I clicked on was not responsive.

    It is so important to have a responsive website because a lot of people now days carry their phones on them for most of the day. In fact, in some industries people search businesses predominately on their mobile devices. Unresponsive websites are missing out on a fair bit of business as a result.

    How can I be sure of this?

    • People are impatient – if something takes too long to load – they will leave… even I am guilty of doing this.
    • Having to zoom in and out of a website is a pain! No matter the content, no matter how relevant.
    • User friendly experiences and the customers journey will be the difference on taking a potential customer to a paying customer.

    These are just a few reason why having a mobile responsive website is important. We offer a great start up package for new businesses – all website designed and developed by Your Online Presence are fully mobile responsive – so contact us today and one of our representatives will be in touch to discuss your project.


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