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    Category Archives: Website Design

    Why is it so important to have a mobile responsive website?

    Take your mind back to April 2015 – Google made some game changing updates to its algorithms – if you want to rank in Google’s search engine you need to have a mobile responsive website. Take your mind back to the trending hash tag #mobilegeddon also known as mobilepocalyse, mopocalypse or mobocalypse. This update caused a stir amongst […]

    Why Isn’t Anyone Coming or staying on My Website?

    As a web design and development studio we know the importance of your online presence. You might be wondering why are people not visiting your site? Or if they are visiting they seem to be leaving straight away (this is referred to as the bounce rate) What is the bounce rate? Well if you are […]

    How to Design for a Particular Target Audience

    A product is not meant for everyone; there will only be a certain segment of the population drawn to it, and businesses need to focus on that target audience. One of the major aspects of specific targeting is design. A website dedicated to women’s products should appeal to that specific demographic, but how can that […]

    What Makes a Good Business Logo

    One of the most essential aspects of starting a business is designing a logo. An effective logo helps in branding a business and is a great marketing tool. That said, it is utterly important to ensure that the necessary characteristics of a logo are taken into consideration when coming up with the logo design. While […]