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    The top five things customers want to see on your website.

    There are times where I will randomly surf the internet to look on websites and review them for my own peace of mind. I would look at the functionality, the navigation and the over all feel of the site and decide if I think it makes a lasting impression. From this I have decided to write this weeks blog on 5 things that customers want to see on your website!

    1. Contact information clearly displayed on your website in convenient places.

    You are probably thinking well that’s obvious! However, you would be surprised at how often I see websites with little or no information on how to contact them.

    Where should the information be?

    • You should always include a contact us page in your navigation. Not everyone feels they need one and that is fine, however I would recommend you do.
    • You can have a secondary navigation that could include your social media links, phone number and email address (this isn’t necessary but it does look good and is very convenient for customer – it saves that extra click, or scroll if the viewer is at the top of the page)
    • The footer – the customer could be right at the bottom of the page, if your contact information is in the footer that can only make your website more convenient.
    1. About us – What you do!

    When you get visitors to your site it is imperative that they know who you are, what you do, your ethos and everything else in-between and you need to do this as naturally as possible with no less than 300 – 400 words.

    1. Relevant Content

    Visitors on your website want to be reading content that is clear, concise and impactful. For example:

    • It needs to be transactional – The viewer wants to do something – i.e. sign up, request a starter pack, request a call back.
    • It needs to be informational – They want to learn something – i.e.what are your services, what do you offer that is different? Why should they choose you?
    • It needs to be navigational – They want to know where they are going.

    An easy way to remember this is: Do, Know, Go.

    1. Ease of Navigation and use of the website

    I have already mentioned the use of easy navigation throughout this blog as it is a very important point to mention. If your viewers can’t find it; they can’t buy it. If it isn’t obvious then it will not be used in the way you intended, it to be used.

    How can you make sure your website is easy to use? Ask people to take a look. Ask family, friends, co-workers – you could use this as a great way to do a bit of marketing research so ask your customers. What do they want to see on your website?

    1. CTAs (calls to actions)

    It is important for the customer to be able to interact with your website. A great way to make this happen is through the use of CTAs so for example we have recently developed a website for an electrician company. A CTA was included on the homepage – the text was on a Parallax Image which said: “Have a project in mind?” Then a call to action which said “send a message”. This is a great way to influence the viewer. They see how easy it is to contact the website so they do it. It also looks great too!

    So there you have it – these are the top five things that need to be on your website! Why not tell us what you think should be on a website? What is Important to you – I will sure be to do a follow up blog.

    contact us today with any questions and one of our representatives will be in touch to discuss your project.

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